UDel的全稱是University of Delaware的 Economics,即特拉華大學經(jīng)濟學,下面將詳細介紹UDel的的項目特點/院系介紹、UDel的的研究領域、UDel的的研究生申請要求。
The MA degree is designed for students interested in a more applied, less technical graduate degree that offers a maximum of electives. This degree is also ideal for students with a relatively more limited undergraduate background in Economics. For example, students who took Economics courses as an undergraduate but majored in Political Science, Finance, and Public Affairs will find this program especially attractive.The Department of Economics at the University of Delaware offers a Ph.D. degree in Economics that focuses on developing the applied research skills that are increasingly in demand in consulting, business, government, and academia.
The program draws on the excellent teaching and extensive applied research program of the department faculty. Classes are small; students can count on receiving the personal attention of our highly qualified faculty. Students can expect to finish all required coursework within three years, with an additional year normally needed to complete the dissertation.